Thursday, January 7, 2016

In the words of Jose Cobo "Gracias a la Vida", its a New Year and a new me!

Something wonderful has happened to me here in Zihuatanejo.  It's crept up on my slowly over the two months I've been here but with the loving support of many friends, I've gone from feeling ever so sad, wondering if I will ever feel the joy, to realizing that I'm going to survive, I have survived and I am excited about my "New Year'.   
Mexicans all said "animo" and I am sure it is what has happened to me..I feel like if I had been prescribed antidepressants (which I was not nor would I want), they have suddenly "kicked in".  My life has moments of unexplainable joy... my walks on the beaches, my evenings spent listening to music, my talks with friends are all starting to feel as I remembered I should feel. 
So in this brief, and perhaps uninteresting to some blogpost, I want to say Gracias to all my friends here who made it happen.  I don't have photos of everyone, but to those of you who spent time with me, realized I wasn't quite right, but listened and offered support...I appreciate each of you and want you to know you have helped me so much .
Thank you to my wonderful yoga classmates and maestra Pilar.  Starting my days overlooking the ocean, the city, feeling connected to the earth and the sky has been soul nurturing.  I will miss you all so much. 
 Iris and Bob at Casa Bahia
 Wendy, John, Jane and Carol with my good Dr. Grayeb...on an afternoon at Santa Prisca.
 Juanito Zihua, you make me feel the love for my favorite place
 Peter and Carol, and Roz, you quirky bunch who took me to the Canto de las Sirenas to hear magical music.

My amigas Carol and Jane who made me drink way too many mescals.
 To Cori who was the best little "Fluffy" dog in Zihua, after a trip to the Vet and groomers.  You were loved by all, and then the next day you showed me what a real dog in Mexico should look like after a playtime at the beach.
To Mickey and Jane who let me reminisce at some of our favorite beaches all the times Gene and I shared living the good life here in Zihua.  You have questionable reading taste, but's just about the perfect beach novel I'd say!
Who am I to be a literary snob here in the land of sunshine, margaritas and fun?

Gracias to my Mexican family who have cheered up my days with their love and smiles and made me feel not alone.  I love you all.  Doraliz, I will be back for your nursing student ceremony where you get to wear your uniform for the first time in March.

And last but not least, everyone who comes to Mexico should make at least one real Mexican friend, someone who understands what it is like to not know the culture, and not be sure of how to proceed.  I am fortunate to have made a friend like Monica who has wisdom and humor and energy to plan the experiences we want to share together.  Monica and her family are the definition of "good neighbours" and I will always value what that means here in my adopted home. 
So on the eve of my departure back to Canada, I will leave feeling like I'm on my way to healing the huge hurt that Gene's loss brought to me.  It was a wound that made me wonder if I would actually survive.  But now I know I will and I know that it is because of my experiences here I will carry on trying my best to live a new life in my new year.