Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Keeping the love affair alive. The value of gratitude.

December is here.   The month I wait for in Mexico cause so many special things happen.   I love the nochebuena (poinsettias) and pinata stalls alongside La Boquita.   I love the parades for Virgen de Guadalupe.  I love the decorations in Colonia La Madera for our upcoming Posada.  
Little by little, I see the improvements being made in our city to get ready for the Navidena, 2 weeks of full on tourism at Xmas.  The town is getting pretty. 

Improvements are being made to our condominium and the last suites to have sold are nearing completion.  We are happy that everything looks so pretty and that the people we have visiting us are as thrilled with the same familiar places we go to each year.  They see the beauty in the midst of the poverty...they are charmed by the people I've introduced them to....they see that Mexico, unlike what the North American Press has broadcast is a truly charming place to visit or maybe even live. 

I have been struggling to remind myself of these things at the same time that our community of condominium owners seem unable to agree on the simplest of issues....things that in the big picture of life should be "non-issues" have risen to the point where emails stream back and forth and feelings and friendships are at risk.   I've been reduced to tears by the utter rudeness of fellow owners who now refuse to speak to me because I've moved a chair, or perhaps for another unknown reason that I will never realize.  Clarity is difficult to achieve when clear divisions in allegiances and groupings are becoming further and further entrenched.   I am at times embarrassed that we, a group of fairly well off, leisure-seeking Canadians and Americans, can't seem to focus on what is positive rather than focusing on negative commentary.   Do our Mexican owners, staff see our unhappy faces and wonder why?  

Is my love affair with Mexico ending?  I've had that thought in the last two weeks...is 10 years the span of my love?  Can the negative feelings inside our condominium complex diminish my ability to spend winters here?  

I've realized that just like my marriage, which is marking it's 35th anniversary this weekend with our annual pilgrimage to Patzcuaro, my life here is determined by me.  Not by others.  Yoga has given me the insight into the value of gratitude for all that I have and that no aspect of my life should be taken for granted.    Nothing is permanent...


For some of our friends, health has changed this year.   Perhaps they will not be able to make Mexico a big part of their lives.   I have to acknowledge that with Gene's turning 70, we are lucky to be able to be here.   I will make this the best of times for our Xmas with the members of our family who are able to be here.   And I will start my day with feelings of gratitude for life in this beautiful place...life outside the walls of our condominium.  In Mexico, where the best and worst of times collide daily.   I know I love you Mexico, cause just like being married, we're in it for the best and worst of times...no getting out just because you've been hurt....I'm here to stay! 

1 comment:

  1. Your love affair is not over, you're just having a little lovers spat.....maybe someday some of your neighbors will move on with their life.
