Thursday, April 10, 2014

Seeking first time experiences in our winter home during the "calm before the storm"

Two weeks to "D" day...departure from our winter home.  My mood alters between excitement to return to our beautiful Victoria home and family and friends; to realizations that what we experience here on a daily basis can't be replicated in Canada.  
Life here is full of sensory experiences; I wake to birds, feel the lovely warm breezes on bare skin, eat amazing foods, walk miles of unobstructed beaches, and find the simplicity and time to reflect.  The opportunity to observe family life in a community that despite pervasive negative experiences vibrates with life and happiness is missing in our summer homes; where we live in luxury homes and the streets are empty. 
On my morning walk today I observe a young father playing in the early morning light on our beach, Playa Madera where every night someone works their magic on yet another outstanding sand sculpture.

One of my yearly goals is walking Playa Blanca from Barra de Potosi to Playa Larga.   Gene can't do this walk, Cori is not as young as he once was, and guess what...neither am I!  So we do it in stages, breaking up the 10 miles of white sand with 4-6 mile stretches between favorite spots along "our beach".   On one of our recent beach forays to Barra de Potosi, our walk to the "pick up spot" I had one of my "first time experiences"  --- cowboys herding a reluctant bunch of Brahma cattle along the beach. 
Which brings me to the reason for this post, a fabulous day trip to Playa Viva.  I had first visited Playa Viva 4 years ago when the new eco-tourist resort opened along a remote stretch of beach 40 kms. south of Zihuatanejo.  We were reconnected when at the weekly Eco-Tianguis Sanka market, I began purchasing fresh kale and arugula from their farm.   I noticed that they promoted day excursions, so with Lynn and Barry, our ever ready Mexican loving friends along for the day, we headed south to check out the spot.   
Beginning with one of the most wonderful lunches prepared with locally grown and sourced food by Abraham, the friendly chef extraodinaire, it was a special day.   David Leventhal, the San Francisco owner of this special place has hired a wonderful staff who have created a near perfect spa-resort experience in a remote stretch of Guerrero.  I applaud his vision and only wish that my pocket book could afford a stay there on a regular basis. 


So we wait for the "storm to begin".  Semana Santa and Semana Pascua, the 2 week period of Easter festivities for Mexicans begins this weekend.  Our little town has had a chance to breathe.... The beaches are quiet, the restaurants empty early, some have already closed for the season.  Yoga classes are winding down.  Shopkeepers are refilling their shelves.  The "extranjero's", winter visitors from Canada and USA are mostly gone except for the full and part time residents who have no desire to head back to the rat race north of here.    And the biggest tell tale sign is that Commercial Mexicana is again building mountains of stock for the expected onslaught.   We are taking advantage of the early days of the period to head inland to Uruapan to once again feel the magic of Michoacán artesanias at their best.  I've polled my friends and family for requests as I have almost no room left at the "inn" for new purchases, off we go on our final Mexican adventure weekend of the year.  

Que nos vaya bien!   

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