Monday, February 9, 2015

Zihuatanejo - International City of Peace (so proud of the little town that could!)

Yesterday was one of those days that the stars just aligned in all the right ways to focus my little love affair with Zihua. 

First of all, it was another glorious, blue sky day.  After my long morning walk, and Gene's exceedingly long bike ride in Ixtapa, we went out of town to the fresh air breezy location of Playa Larga.  It's an easy car ride and a quick walk out to our usual spot where we set up our chairs and umbrella and relax...well, at least one of us does.  The other spends their time throwing balls,  walking the hard sand at the waters' edge, dodging huge waves and interacting with 2 local beach dogs who decided our place looked pretty inviting, with a fresh water bowl, shade and a cute little poodle-cross to play with.   All with a constant eye out in case the caballeros on their ponies are heading our way,  Cori is not a "horse dog" and requires saving a few times each year when he chooses to bark full on at the hooves of the handsome and ever so patient cowboys and their gentle mounts.

Just as we were getting ready to leave, the show began!  Humpback Whales have been making the long arching bay of Playa Blanca their winter breeding and feeding grounds and they put on quite a show.  Regrettably, we were not equipped with cameras for the occasion, but it is a great feeling to see them breaching and blowing and shining in the sun. 

So on arrival back home, after unloading the pounds of sand that Gene finds so annoying from car, bags, clothes, dog, chairs and umbrellas, I headed to El Centro to see what a "peace ceremony" would be like.  Dignitaries from the local, municipal, and state governments were on hand together with the various members of the Peace Committee who have worked for years to meet the qualifications required to receive this honorary designation.  With heavily armed federal police, security agents and local police forces ringing the square, the recently appointed governor was escorted onstage to make his first appearance locally since the 43 students in Iguala disappeared at the hands of what is supposedly a government led massacre.  I found myself wondering what the ceremony could signify that would bring about any real change in this country where violent means is the end of many lives.

Could these sweet and smiling young boys and girls of the program Nino's Adelante who had been invited to sing with Juanito be the beginning of a change of heart in Mexico?  Let's hope so...

On my morning walk today,  peace was indeed in the air, I can't imagine any place I'd rather be on a dull and rainy day back on Denman Island, than here in Colonia La Madera, one of the UN's designated centers of peace! 

We can and do hope for a better future for our adopted home.  Let Peace prevail!





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